Overview of the 17 SDGs - 2021

2021 2022 2023

Click on an SDG to find out how far France has come towards achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda


Between 0 and 2.5:

on average, based on the indicators analysed, France is moving away from the target at a significant rate

Between 2.5 and 5:

on average, based on the indicators analysed, France is moving away from the target at a moderate rate

Between 5 and 7.5:

on average, based on the indicators analysed, France is progressing toward the target at a moderate rate

Between 7.5 and 10:

on average, based on the indicators analysed, France is progressing toward the target at a significant rate

[1] : The score for each SDG should be interpreted in perspective, in particular due to the variable number of indicators monitored per SDG (for example: 8 indicators monitored for SDG3, and 4 indicators taken into account for SDG16).

* For this SDG, one or more monitoring indicators for the SDG are not taken into account to assess progress, as their change is not measurable (ex: only one value available).