Associations, researchers, citizens, local authorities, companies, the State, trade unions - each has a place and a role to play in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. After an awareness-raising phase, each of these actors generally has an appropriation phase during which they revisit their existing projects through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and verify that their action is useful for certain SDGs; in a second phase, their action program may be modified to strengthen their contribution to the achievement of a broader set of SDGs, beyond their core business.
The State
Coordinating the implementation of the SDGs
The Sustainable Development Delegation coordinates the national implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in France, in close cooperation with all ministries, and in particular with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for the international component.
In order to ensure the transversality and coherence of France’s action plan, an interministerial steering committee has been set up, which meets approximately every two months.
Lead and partner ministries have been identified for each SDG. The lead ministries are responsible for setting up project groups to ensure the operational implementation of the SDG they lead, while involving other relevant ministries and key stakeholders. These leaders are also in charge of conducting public policy reviews and gap-analysis.
In addition, the Senior Officials for Sustainable Development, present in each ministry, constitute a network on which the Delegation for Sustainable Development can rely to implement the coordination of public action.
The implementation of the 2030 Agenda implies the mobilization of the entire government and all French public policies must contribute to achieving these goals.
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