The report calls for a “deep reform” of the global financial architecture, while advancing the implementation of the SDG stimulus in order to close the significant financing gap faced by developing and emerging countries.

Huitième édition du Rapport sur le développement durable du SDSN
This new publication from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network points out that the disruption caused by multiple crises has narrowed the fiscal space in low-income and lower-middle-income countries, leading to "a reversal of progress on several goals and indicators".
The report reveals that since 2015, notable progress has been made in improving access to infrastructure under SDG6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG7 (affordable clean energy) and SDG9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). On the other hand, more limited progress has been made on SDG12 (sustainable consumption and production), SDG13 (climate action), SDG14 (aquatic life) and SDG15 (terrestrial life).
According to the report, "the most significant reversals underway include subjective well-being, access to vaccination, poverty and unemployment rates"...
The SDG 2023 index ranks Finland, Sweden and Denmark first, second and third, with the top ten European countries "on track to achieve more than any other region".
France, in 6th place, shows encouraging progress.
In a press release, Jeffrey Sachs, President of SDSN and lead author of the report, urged wealthy countries to use the Summit for a New Global Finance Compact, the G20 Summit, the SDG Summit and the UN Climate Change Conference to increase international financial flows "in line with the needs of the SDGs".
An interisting new SDSN initiative - the SDG Transformation Center - aims to provide a range of scientific tools and serve as a platform for learning and exchange between scientists, practitioners and investors.
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